
Malaika means ‘My Angel’

Malaika means ‘My Angel’

I was a photographer by trade, studying general art at college and then photography. I worked part time as a Medical Photographer fomr 2001 untill May 2021 when I left the NHS behind and became a full time gardener.

Being outside, enjoying nature, weather and gardens have always played a large part in my life. Every house we have owned, I have spent as much time sorting the garden out as I have inside the house. Having learned much about gardening and plants from reading and doing, I increasingly helped others in their gardens and loved it.

In 2019 I started formally studying horticulture and by 2022 will have completed the course to gain the RHS level two Diploma in Horticulture.

My interest in gardening probably started with my mum and her parents. My Grandparents had a very long garden and grew everything there. My grandad was incredibly practical and my Granny (a wizard in my eyes) propagated many new plants from cuttings. That garden was a magical oasis that my sister and I loved to play in whenever we visited. I just thought that all gardens were like that, without really appreciating just how much work it entailed.

An overgrown garden can become a real burden. Not knowing where to start means that the job is abandoned multiple times which allows the weeds to grow without resistance, and the feeling of being overwhelmed grows just as fast.

It was when helping others in their gardens became more frequent, that Sheffield Garden Angel was born.

Intensive labour to clear a garden and then looking at how it can be put back together is what I really enjoy and putting a smile on someones face is a great reaward. I hope that my love of plants, textures and colours will help to make your garden beautiful and practical once more.

Gardens were always there.

I’ll get my hands dirty so that you don’t have to.